

2015年3月9日在上海面签 签证官是中国人 V468397 S先生 面签过程: 早上八点半进去的,我是第三个 签证官看了我的护照,然后让我介绍我自己(中文) 我说I am xxx. I’m from China, and now study in university of Chicago (我说了UChicago) he said OK , how long are you studying here? And when do you graduate? I said:in April, 2017(他问了我几次毕业的时间) 他又问我 why u want go to USA? I say i like baseball, because it is a part of American people culture.....then he asked me if i have any friend who live there,i said no , but my uncle lives in Los Angles, but not for too long time(大概是这样说的),he then ask what did your uncle works? i told him that my uncles business is something about car, but i don't really know his job details which one... He made another question ,do you think maybe the visa will be denied? My answer was NO, because everything on DS2019 form were true with actual condition, so they should approve my application ,and i hope this can happen!! Then he handed back my passport with a stamp,and I left.

结果在12点多就收到了,哈哈~ 感觉DS2019表上只要填的东西都是需要让签证官确认的,比如学校地址什么的,虽然我都没填学校名称。。。还有如果面试官有追问你的一些细节问题的话一定要老实回答,千万不要撒谎哦~~


我2017年3月14日去北京面签, 3月21日出签证。 我在5月6日下午收到大使馆邮件, 让我重新提交一份DS-160的表格。 大使馆给我的理由是, 因为我的护照上的签名与之前的申请时的签名不一样。 所以我在5月9日上午到中信银行交了一份新的DS-160(因为我是网上申请的)。 在5月15日的上午收到了新的签证。 但在这期间我没有接到过使领馆的电话通知和任何通知。 希望对大家有所帮助!谢谢各位!

另:大家不要相信“拒签后找关系”之类的话, 这个纯属骗子!!! 我已经多次遇到这种骗子了!!!
