

这个问题问的很好,我这里有一组数据可能可以解释部分问题(其他问题参见我的这篇回答 ) 这是1880年至2016年气温的累积升温(单位:°C) 可以看到在20世纪前半段温度几乎无变化,在后半段突然急剧上升. 为什么会出现这样的状况呢?

这是因为在20世纪50年代后,人类的生产力获得了巨大提升,人类活动产生的二氧化碳等温室气体的量也迅速增加。而这几十年来全球降水量出现了极小幅度下降,青藏高原等地冰盖的融化速度也在加快。这些都可能加剧了全球的变暖的趋势(详细请见上篇回答) 但是你也许不知道,在20世纪初人类就已经知道了温室效应的问题。

在1939年的牛津词典中,“Global Warming”这个词是作为新词收录的,说明在这个时候人们已经意识到了全球变暖的问题并且开始使用这个短语来描述这种现象。而人类大规模排放温室气体,导致地球气温快速升高,是从20世纪50年代才开始的事情。 所以根本不存在什么“由于人们对气候变化的不正确认知导致全球变暖的加剧”这样的事情。人类对气候变化的认识早就有过,但是人类活动对气候变化的加成作用是非常弱小的。 真正使得温度产生剧烈变化的是自然因素——冰盖的融化、太平洋和大洋暖流的变动等等。但是对这些自然因素的影响作用估计至今还没有定论……


IELTS大作文task 2要求考生在40分钟内写出一篇不少于250字的文章。评分标准有四项:1、任务反应Task Response2、观点阐述Coherence & Cohesion3、词汇Lexical Resource4、语法Grammatical Range & Accuracy。这四项是互相依存,相辅相成的。想要考取比较好的成绩,每一方面都需要做到最好。接下来,我们就来从任务反应,观点阐述,词汇和语法这四个方面分析一篇全球变暖的范例。

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic:

Scientists believe that the earth is becoming warmer as a result of global warming caused mainly by human activity such as burning fossil fuels. This is leading to drought, rise in sea levels and many other climate-change related problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS WRITING实际分数:7.5 (4.5+4+4+4) :

In recent decades, mankind has begun to realize the destructive power of our lifestyles. I agree that human actions have contributed to climate change and many of our modern conveniences must be curtailed in order to avoid irreparable damage to our only home.

Without a doubt, technology has vastly improved comfort and increased our lifespan. However, we must now pay the price for the pollution we have created in the air, on land and under the sea in order to make our lives easier. In no other age has man exploited and consumed so much of the world’s finite resources nor has the negative impact been as evident as in the current era. Air travel and shipping, the combustion of oil and the accumulation of debris in our environment have not only contributed to global warming but polluted the eco-systems that support vital species.

While it is true that the world would not function without these human-generated problems, we must limit our use of them where possible. This includes conserving fuel and reducing unnecessary traveling, using fewer cars where public transport is available, and reusing and recycling materials so that less is sent to landfill and waste. Many countries are also investing in alternative, cleaner sources of energy; this should be encouraged and increased wherever possible.

We are fortunate to have a planet that supports human existence with a rich variety of natural resources. It is our responsibility to ensure that we manage them with consideration of future generations.
