一、Part 1 开场白 (以问答形式切入) 问题3: Can you introduce yourself to me,please? 回答:My name is.... I am from... (年龄职业等基本信息) Q:What do your friends and family think of your English? A:Erm... they all think it's awful! (自嘲) Q:How long have you been learning english? A:About five years.(时间) 注意点 1 尽量使用简单句,因为考官判断考生语言能力的依据是考生在聊天中出现的语法错误,一句话中含有太多复杂句就会拉长分析时间。
2 在聊天中自然地把“练习英语”这件事融入进去;在练习听力的时候有意识地锻炼自己运用英文进行表达的能力。例如看剧的时候用笔记本记下精彩片段,然后用英语写下剧情概括和自己的感受。
二、Part 2 展开话题 (自由发挥部分) Q:Do you like to watch TV? And what kinds of shows are yourfavorites? A:Yes,I love watching different kind of shows on Television.For example,I really enjoy crime dramas.However,I don't want to see anything scary or violent on television. In addition,I would like to learn something new every day so I often read articles online or watch documentaries about science or history. 注意点 1 回答问题要切题并保证逻辑清晰,可以打比方说明原因。
2 使用连接词,过渡语。使回答更有条理性。
3 使用简单的高频词汇和短语。避免使用过于专业的词汇。