因此可以得出结论是多选题的正确答案个数=错误答案个数+1 但官方并未给出错误答案个数的具体分值,所以我找了几个同学做了几组不同的选择题来实测一下(题目难度五星) ①、题意理解正确但选项错了两个 A) I like this film because it is so interesting. B) He is such a good player that we all want to learn from him. C) This book isn't worth reading. D) It's important not to talk with your mouth full of food. E) You should take an umbrella in case it rains tomorrow. F) Don't leave the light on when you go out for the night. G) We need more practice in order to improve our English 每个题目的四个选项都有同学选过了,我只需要统计各题错题个数即可,最后结果如下:8个错题,9个答对 ②、题意理解有误差且选项都错 A) He was very tired after running for two hours. B) If you read this article, you will understand its meaning. C) The weather report said it would rain today. D) You must hand in your exercise books by next Friday. E) Do not worry; everything has gone well. F) Take another piece of paper——you are going to need it. G) Most people can use a computer these days 同样每道题的四个选项都有同学选过,只需统计各题所有选项都错的个数即可,最后结果如下:6个错题 ③、选项部分正确但搭配有误 A) She is singing a Chinese song, but she sings in English. B) When he finished his work, he went home, but before he got there, he met us on the way. C) Her bag is blue, but her pen is yellow. D) Is six o'clock early for you?E)I am sorry about late answer your letter. F)We were having dinner at seven last night, but we didn't finish eating until nine. G)The girl wearing glasses is my sister 同上,只要记录所有选项错配的个数即可,最后结果为3个错配 所以通过以上实测我们可以总结出雅思A类写作小分计算方法:正确率/题目总数*7+错误个数/2*5+错误搭配个数/3*4=最终分数 此外再补充一点个人经验:对于大作文建议开头结尾写好,中间的主体段可以适当妥协(尤其是时间不够的情况),因为考官评分是有整体感的,一旦感觉良好,中间小分要求会适当放宽;而小作文则要求每一部分都要认真书写,特别是第一段的标题和第二段的结论句要仔细思考如何更高级的表达,因为小作文的第一印象很重要!