

说到西语国家,可能大部分人了解都不多,除了足球和斗牛,就是伊莎贝拉公主。 其实,西班牙历史上名人辈出,而且这些名人的英语版本也更容易被搜索到。 按照时间顺序简单介绍下几个最有名的西班牙人吧!(因为篇幅限制,只列出了英文名,但只要是搜他们的名字,都会出来他们的西语名)

1、Carthaginian commander Hannibal. Home of the famed military leader and his army who could not be defeated in combat by Rome or her allies.

2、Pompey - Roman statesman who was one of the most powerful men in the late republic. His rival was Julius Caesar, with whom he had a close friendship. Pompey's wife Julia was Caesar's daughter.

3、Julius Caesar – The famous Roman dictator whose conquest of Gaul made him very wealthy but also turned the Romans against him as they feared his power. He was assassinated on the orders of a group of senators led by Marcus Junius Brutus.

4、Mark Anthony – Caesar’s friend, and adoptive son. He married Octavia, Julius Caesar's sister. After Augustus became emperor, Mark Anthony was made co-emperor and took the name Augustianus. When he tried to take back his estranged wife, Cleopatra, from Marc Antony, she committed suicide and thus lost the chance for an Egyptian divorce.

5、Cleopatra VII——Last Pharaoh of Egypt, mother to several children including a daughter named Chaule who would later marry into the Roman imperial family. She was seduced by Mark Anthony despite being married to Juliust Caesar. A love triangle developed between them that ended when Anthony married Octaviania. In an attempt to win favour with Augutust, Cleopatra gave birth to twins, Alexander 和 Caesarion (later known as Ptolemy XV). With their help, she hoped to regain at least part of her father's dominions. However, this never happened; instead she died and was buried as a pharaoh next to her father.
