



2)如果是上海人的话比较麻烦,需要先通过北欧航空在上海的代理预定机票->取得电子客票号及行程单->准备好护照原件+身份证+两张两寸白底彩照->到领馆递交材料(具体可参考如下网址) 丹麦使馆受理申请时间:周一至周五,上午9点至12点 (丹麦工作日上午休息1小时,1:00至3:00) 地址:北京市建国门内大街东长安街1号,中华人民共和国大使馆,外交处

联系电话:65327218/19,传真:65324514,邮编:100738. 网上申请表下载地址:URL#lodging_application Form of Lodgment: Please submit the original copy of all documents stated on form, and a photocopy for each applicant in chronological order, as follows. Passport with at least six months validity from date of your return trip or residence permit Original application form in triplicate signed by both parties. A scanned copy is accepted in lieu of an original one if you are applying online through Scandinavian Airlines System’s web site above. Copy of valid passport Photo copies of all pages of valid passports Residence Permit (for permanent residents only ) Proof of sufficient funds to support yourself without relying on any other person, e.g. Bank statement showing that you have deposit over USD $2000.

Note : You should also bring along additional photo copies of required documents just in case they need them. They do not always retain hardcopies of submitted documents and may ask for some or even all those during interview, which could be inconvenient. Besides, we recommend submitting a photocopy for reference purpose since it will make reapplication process much easier when renewal is due. The Danish immigration authorities require visas to be stamped prior to departure. Therefore after lodgment has been made, visas cannot be issued. If you would like to change lodging address before visa issue, please fax us a written request with a new postal adress clearly legible together with two recent passport sized photographs enclosed. The number of visa stamps shall depend upon flight schedule and length of stay. For example:If your flight departs Beijing no earlier than Thursday evening, then you must have your visas stamped Monday morning, September 1st rather than Friday afternoon, August 29th; Similarly, If your next flight leaves Copenhagen around Sunday noon, then


你是在欧洲哪个国家办签证呢? 丹麦属于申根地区,所以你需要在丹麦驻中国大使馆官网查看一下需要什么材料才能办理。 因为不知道题主是申请旅游还是探亲的还是商务访问的,我就一并说了。

1.首先是护照 2.身份证(如果是学生的话需要学生证) 3.户口本复印件 4.酒店订单、机票等行程单 5.公司营业执照副本、组织机构代码证、法人身份证复印件

6.填写完整的签证申请表 7.资金证明——存款或理财、工资流水、房产等证明材料 如果有什么不明白的地方可以直接打电话到你想要去的国家使领馆询问。
