在申请美国学生签证时,大部分申请人会面临面谈环节,即USCIS(美国移民局)的Interview(面试)或SEVIS Interview(SEVIS 面试)。 USCIS对面试者的要求是:
(2)对于16岁以上的学生以及具有完全行为能力的公民,除非其有充分的理由和足够的依据证明自己没有接受教育的能力或者根本不需要接受教育,否则都必须参加面试。 对于未满16岁的学生则无需进行面试。 SEVIS 对面试者也没有特别的要求:
(1)对于I-901费用已支付的学生,无论是否满16岁,都需接受面试; (2)如果因特殊情况不能按时参加面试应马上与使馆联系并确认新的面试时间;
(5)如面试日期发生变化,请在新的面试时间到来之前将护照及签证原件寄往使馆,以便领馆能够及时安排预约。 由于中国留学生多集中在北京、上海、广州、沈阳四个城市的大使馆,所以建议同学们尽量避开这些城市的学校,因为一旦你所在的学校位于上述地区之一,那么你的面试很可能会被安排在当地的使领馆进行! 因为面试过程涉及个人隐私,并且每个学生的经历也不尽相同,本文只罗列一些一般性问题,以供同学们参考。
1. What is your major?/What are you going to study at university?: 你是学什么专业的?/你在大学想学习什么专业?
2. Where will you go after graduating from college?: 你大学毕业以后想去哪里工作? 为什么选择这个学校而不是其他学校呢? Why does your school rank so high on the list of schools that offer this program?
3. How much do you plan to charge yourself per semester?: 你每年自己计划要花多少钱? 学费呢? Tuition fees?住宿呢? Dormitory fee?生活费呢? Living cost/Expense?
4. Do you think you can afford it?: 你觉得你能负担得起吗? Are there any relatives or friends who can provide financial support for your studies in U.S.A.?
如果有的话,他们提供多少资助呢? Who is able to contribute financially to your education and how much would they spend each year?
5. Can you show us a photocopy of your family income proof?: 请你出示一下你家近两年的收入证明好吗? Could you please give us a copy of two recent bank statements,with the name, date and amount written clearly on them?
1. 资金解释 Questions about funding
Why did you choose this institution over others because its very close to home? I have been here many times before,so everything has already been arranged out. There's no need to make a long journey every time just for classes. Besides,this campus looks better than other ones and students also treat me well. They always invite me to dinner and take me around to play all day, which saves both my money and energy as well! Furthermore, since my parents work nearby, we don't have to pay too much for living expenses either. The whole process won't be t