我今年录取了德克萨斯农业机械大学的Ph.D in Electrical Engineering,但是目前对这所大学不太了解,所以想请您帮忙解答一下。 1.学校电力系统专业的研究实力和师资力量如何?教授们对国际学生是否友好?
答:U of Texas – Austin is a very good school. You will find the professors helpful and friendly once you get to know them. There are many opportunities for interaction with faculty outside of class (e.g., through projects or office hours). I am happy that I got to work with two different mentors during my Master’s degree at UT, as it was an invaluable experience that made me better prepared and more confident when I started Ph.D. At our department, we have people coming from top-ranked schools like Oxford, Copenhagen, etc. So the level of competition is extremely high, but everyone is super nice and would be willing to help you out if you show interest and want to learn.
2.我注意到您写的录取通知邮件中有一张表需要填写GPA的算术平均分(算数加权)而不是总分(加总后除以科目个数),这是学校的硬性要求么?还是说根据以往的经验一般录取的学生都是算术加权的GPA更高一些呢?如果是的话大概要高出多少呢? 答:Yes, the GPA required by the Admissions Committee is the unweighted GPA. All applications received by the committee are carefully reviewed, and those students with strong GPAs and strong scores on the GRE (quantitative)are invited to give their official transcripts and test scores for a final review. The average unweighted GPA among the admitted MS students last year was around 3.6/4.0 (depending on the program)with low 70s percentile rankings on the GRE quantitative。
For Ph.D. applicants,I do not have data on the exact same metrics,but students who apply directly from undergrad often have higher scores overall while still maintaining full-tosome partial funding from the department.