

伊顿公学(Eton College)是位于英国温莎镇上的一间男子寄宿学校,建立于1440年,与威斯敏斯特中学、拉思伯恩学校并称“英式教育的三驾马车”。 据校方统计,该校每年大概有5%的学生能考上牛津或者剑桥大学,另外有25%的学生会被G5院校录取,剩下70%的学生也会进入一流名校,总之最后大部分学生都能进入世界TOP100的名校读书。


当然如此高质量的教学水平也来源于优秀的师资力量。为了保持教学水准,学校会把一半左右的新教师安排到教室内跟有经验的老教师搭档,以便更快地提高新教师的教学能力。 值得一提的是,伊顿公学虽然是一所男校,但女生也可以申请入学,只不过名额非常少,而且一般只有成绩特别拔尖的女生才有可能被选中。


因为伊顿在牛津,所以我就说说牛津的情况(其实也不是完全了解 )。 Oxford is very expensive. There are about two or three schools that cost less than the average (one is in Bath) but they have an extremely high academic record and will make you work as hard, if not harder. You won't get to go out on a night of drinking until at least your last year there so it isn't completely like boarding school though I do think that some people were put under pressure just by being surrounded exclusively by other pupils who would never be less than exceptionally bright and academically gifted. The headmaster was known for punishing boys with detention for even minor misdemeanours;it wasn't uncommon to get up until after midnight talking with him about how things could improve. He did this because he really wanted everyone to learn what they needed from their time there。 因此我觉得他的教育理念是很好的并且我确实从中受益了!
