

Sb = Student (visa) visa 签证,留学签。 Sb, as in why am i doing this to myself? 自己把自己整的这么累干嘛呢

SB, also known as a Stupid Bitch. A dumb bt who doesn't know she is being stupid and bitchy at the same time. SB usually has an ego with no sense of responsibility, always making excuses for her mistakes but still blames other people or circumstance when things go wrong. She likes to think that all these bad qualities actually make her look like strong and independent woman, which is bullshit. And lastly she has absolutely no idea how much s/he annoys everybody around him including herself. In short: if you are not happy with your life now, it's either because you are too stupid or somebody else is an absolute fcking sb! You want proof? Look at yourself! Oh I forgot; most stupids cannot see themselves without others’ help; they have to be told about their own faults, which makes them even more angry than before... You never change until you get hit in the face! Or maybe just one good punch from another fucking sb?


SBA是学生业务助理,也就是负责办理留学生来美留学手续的人 美国移民局(U. S. C)的官网显示,每年大概有50万人申请H1B工作签证,但是其中只有89%的申请成功,也就是说有7-8万的人被拒了,而在这八万当中就有将近一万是因为申请被滥用的原因而被拒 (引用来自维基百科) 如果您的朋友或者同事获得了这样的签证的话,那么他/她是通过了sba这个人的帮忙才获得到的
